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    Learn About Blue Light

    What is Blue Light?

    Light is made up of particles that travel in wavelengths measured as nanometers (nm). Blue light is the wavelength of light between 400-495 nm. Blue light is just one of the colours on the light spectrum, as shown below. Blue light is deemed as "good" or "bad" for our health based upon the source of light (natural vs artificial), as well as the amount and timing of exposure. 
    Light spectrum


     Artificial Blue Light

    Artificial Blue Light Icon
    Blue light is the primary spectrum of light emitted from screens and artificial lighting. In today’s day and age, that means we get exposed to an awful lot of it. The problem arises when we consider the powerful effect blue light has on our sleep-wake cycles, also known as our Circadian Rhythm. The isolated spike of blue light (see LED spectrum below) emitted from artificial light is foreign to our bodies and has been thoroughly researched and well documented to have negative effects on our health

    Natural Blue Light

    Natural Light Icon
    Blue light is present in nature during the morning and mid-day when the sun is up. The blue light emitted by the sun is essential for regulating our circadian rhythms, but as you can see, it is always balanced by other wavelengths of light (see sunlight spectrum below). Blue light emitted through screens and most artificial lighting lacks the ideal balance provided by nature. After the sun sets, we should have little to no exposure to blue light. But in today's society, the opposite is true as more and more people are on devices and exposed to artificial light at night.
    Artificial light vs natural light spectrum

    LEDs emit a large spike of artificial blue light unbalanced by other colours.

    Sunlight emits the full spectrum of light, including blue, in balanced proportions for our biology.